WhatsApp Business in United States

WhatsApp Business in United States

WhatsApp Penetration in United States


% of Small and Medium Businesses


31 millions in total

WhatsApp Businesses in the United States of America are by a large number "solo entrepreneur business". 8 out of 10 are businesses managed by one individual. The sectors where WhatsApp Business is most popular are: Education, Healthcare, Wholesale and retail trading, Construction and Financial Activities. Small Business are growing very fast in the healthcare and social assistance.

Popular WhatsApp Business in United States

This week these businesses have received 498 visits

289 clicks

WhatsApp Business

Our support is always available on whatsapp
279 clicks

Customer Support

Welcome to Biz-crypto Investment platform, how...
275 clicks


Reserva tu mesa!
270 clicks

Bot Tools

How can I help you?
261 clicks

Coach Riczabeth

Escríbenos a nuestro WhatsApp para más información
241 clicks


We are here for all your crypto needs
238 clicks

Ventas CEIUM

Recibe más información de este curso por WhatsApp
238 clicks


Hi Dear Visitor ! Choose One of Our Team Member...
229 clicks

